How Can I Become a Firearm Instructor?
If you’re a gun enthusiast or you have years of experience, becoming a firearm instructor can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling career path.
Firearm instructors have the skills needed to teach others how to properly handle and use a firearm. But, they also have a passion for what they do. It’s that passion that can help you to turn a hobby into a full-time, lifelong career as an instructor.
But, no matter how much passion you have or how many years of experience you have working with firearms, there are some necessary steps to take.
With that in mind, let’s go through the ins and outs of becoming a firearm instructor, so you can decide if it’s the right career move for you.
Becoming Certified
The first thing you need to look into in order to become a firearm instructor is how to become certified. You should earn your certification through a respected institution like the NRA, USCCA, or the SAFTD. While there are many others, the more credible your certification, the better.
Groups like these utilize instructors in their classes that will provide the highest caliber of training. But, the classes you’ll take are not meant to improve your own skills. You should already be at a top-tier level when it comes to firearm use.
Instead, the classes you will need to take in order to become certified will focus on how you can take the skills you have and teach them to others effectively.
Most courses will cover basic principles of training, methodology, public speaking, and foundational drills.
Building Your Teaching Skills
While you won’t be building your firearm skils through certification, you will be growing your teaching skills. No matter how strong you are with a firearm, if you can’t convey those strengths to your students, you won’t succeed as an instructor.
Additionally, like any other teacher or instructor, you should consider yourself a lifelong learner. There will always be new methods and new ways of teaching the right skills needed. Don’t box yourself in to one way of doing things.
Once you learn the skills of becoming an instructor, you can get creative in ways that work for you. It’s important that any students you have over the years feel comfortable around you. It’s your job not only to teach them the fundamentals of firearms but to prepare them to use one with confidence. The more connected they feel with you, the better.
Should You Become a Firearm Instructor?
If you’re interested in becoming a firearm instructor and sharing your skills with others, consider looking for local courses nearby. It’s easier to find open classes than you might think, and it doesn’t have to take years of training in order to get the certification you need.
When you’re willing to go from gun enthusiast to instructor, you can ensure that the next generation of gun owners know how to use their firearms properly, safely, and effectively. That’s something worth pursuing.
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