Shooting Class

How much time behind the trigger is good before it becomes negative?

If you have ever been to a shooting range or if you want to try and become better at shooting, then you should know that more time behind the trigger doesn’t necessarily mean more shooting experience. There comes a point where you have been behind the gun for too long and your progress with it begins to decline. If you want to work around this then you need to try and make sure that you are not behind the gun for too long at any given time.

How Long Should You Spend Behind the Trigger?

Ideally you should make sure that you are not behind the trigger for more than an hour at a time when you visit the range. If you do then you may find that your accuracy decreases and that you struggle to make your shots overall. So why is this the case? It’s all because your brain can only absorb so much during a space of time, and if you keep trying to shoot during this time then you may find that your performance starts to decline. If you want to stop this from being the case, then you need to make sure that you don’t spend more than an hour at the range.

What Can You Do To Protect Yourself During Longer Sessions?

If you are just starting out and if you are not shooting intensively, then you may want to undergo a longer session. That being said, you do have to make sure that you are dressing appropriately and that you also use the right protection. Hot brass and skin do not mix and the shooting range is not the best place for you to be wearing shorts or a low-cut short. Tight-collared shirts and pants are ideal if you want to shoot from the prone position. A baseball cap should also be worn in summer, to keep the sun out of your eyes. Little things like this can help you to shoot for longer without discomfort.

Ear Protection and Long Hours

If you do plan on shooting for longer than an hour, then you may want to think about renting some ear and eye protection. You can easily do this at most gun ranges. That being said, it’s not a bad idea for you to pick up your own set of glasses and ear protection if possible. If you do this then you can make sure that they fit you well and you can also make sure that they are not going to cause you any discomfort. New shooters are often surprised at how loud a shooting range can be, especially if it is very busy. If you’re shooting on a hot day and intend to have a longer session, take a cooler with some water with you. Most ranges do not provide drinking water.

Little tips like this will help you to make the most out of your time at the range and it will also help you to ensure that you are not making yourself uncomfortable during longer sessions.